
代表:仁科 恭徳(神戸学院大学) メールアドレス: ynishina[AT]

Nick Musty(神戸学院大学)n.musty[AT]




第1回研究会 7月10日(土)(オンライン)


研究発表2「The contribution of the English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) approach to the use of more sophisticated sentences in Japanese science-oriented high school students」Mayuko Yamamura (University of Southampton)

第2回研究会 12月11日(土)(オンライン)


第3回研究会 2月26日(土)(オンライン)




第1回研究会 7月30日(土)(オンライン)



〇12月3日(土)JAAL in JACET ポスター発表(立命館大学茨木キャンパス)「ESP研究会関西支部活動報告」藤枝美穂(大阪医科薬科大学)

第2回研究会 2月25日(土)(オンライン)


Chang, A. (2019). Examining the “applied aspirations” in the ESP genre analysis of published journal articles. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 38, 36-47.

James Horvat (Kindai University)

研究発表1「教室での学びとしてのビジネスコミュニケーション」井田 浩之(城西大学),松岡弥生子(University of People)

研究発表2「<続編> もっと未開拓ジャンル・分野をESPしよう!:芸術からレシピまで」仁科恭徳(神戸学院大学 / 英オックスフォード大学)


オンラインによる研究会開催 7月29日(土) 2月24日(土)




Coordinator: NISHINA, Yasunori (Kobe Gakuin University) email address: ynishina[AT]

Assistant Coordinator: 
ASANO, Motoko (Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University)motoko.asano[AT]    
MATSUDA, Noriko (Kindai University) noriko.matsuda[AT]
ISHII, Tatsuya (Kobe City College of Technology) tatuya030208[AT]

NAKAJIMA, Andy Fumito(Kobe Gakuin University)  andynakajima[AT]
Nick Musty(Kobe Gakuin University) n.musty[AT]

1. ESP SIG Overview

The JACET Kansai ESP SIG aims to support teachers who wish to use ESP approaches for their English courses to meet the communication needs of their students’ prospective academic and professional communities. Both theoretical and practical aspects are explored to achieve widely applicable systematic ESP approaches that can help EGP teachers and novice ESP practitioners understand and utilize the effective language teaching and learning concepts offered by the sociolinguistic approach of ESP. Presentations and workshops are regularly given on state-of-the-art ESP issues, applied linguistics and other related fields. We are also working toward the development and evaluation of ESP curricula and teaching methods based on needs analyses and genre analyses conducted with assistance from experts of content fields and disciplines.

2. Summary of Activities in 2021

〇Saturday, July 10   The 1st Study Meeting(online)

Research Presentation 1 “Systematically Designed Pragmatic Business English Model with a Focus on Corporate Economic Activities” Kazushige Tsuji, Akinori Usami, Mayumi Tanaka(Mukogawa Women’s University)

Research Presentation 2 “The contribution of the English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) approach to the use of more sophisticated sentences in Japanese science-oriented high school students” Mayuko Yamamura (University of Southampton)

〇Saturday, December 11    The 2nd Study Meeting (online)

Workshop “Using Corpus Tools to Analyze ESP Texts” Miho Fujieda(Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University)

〇Saturday, February 26   The 3rd Study Meeting (online)

Research Presentation “Introducing Students to Research Methods: English for Tourism and Hospitality Purposes in a Seminar Course” Abram Leon (Osaka International University)

“ ‘ESP General Q & A Session’ with Judy Noguchi” Judy Noguchi (Kobe Gakuin University)

3. Summary of Activities in 2022

〇Saturday, July 30   The 1st Study Meeting (online)

Research Presentation 1 “Let’s do more ESP studies in unexplored genres and fields! From art to recipes” Yasunori Nishina (Kobe Gakuin University)

Research Presentation 2 “A study on the acquisition of polysemous medical vocabulary in English and survey results of learner attitudes” Tomoko Yamashita Smith, Yoko Amagase (Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University), Judy Tsutae Noguchi (Kobe Gakuin University)

〇Saturday, December 3   JAAL in JACET Poster Presentation(Ritsumeikan University Ibaraki Campus) “English for Specific Purposes (ESP) SIG Kansai Chapter: Recent Activities” Miho Fujieda (Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University)

〇Saturday, February 25   The 2nd Study Meeting (online)

Journal Club

Chang, A. (2019). Examining the “applied aspirations” in the ESP genre analysis of published journal articles. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 38, 36-47.

James Horvat (Kindai University)

Research Presentation 1 “Business communication as practical learning in the classroom” Hiroyuki Ida (Josai University), Yaoko Matsuoka(University of People)

Research Presentation 2 “Episode 2 of ‘Let’s do more ESP studies in unexplored genres and fields! From art to recipes’” Yasunori Nishina (Kobe Gakuin University / University of Oxford)

4. Plans for 2023

Online Study Meeting: Saturday, July 29, Saturday, February 24

5. Messages to Prospective Members

The members of this SIG form an open, frank and outspoken community representing various fields and perspectives that integrate the humanities and sciences. As a member, you will have access to the latest information in ESP from both theoretical and practical aspects. We are pleased to welcome even those wondering “What on earth is ESP?” Start your own ESP way of life by contacting us by email.